How to easily force-respawn wild Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s vast open world of Paldea has an exhaustive list of creatures that you will be able to capture the more you explore the world.

Paldea has both Generation 9 Pokemon as well as older Pocket Monsters from past generations. While most of them can be found in abundance in this open-world adventure, there are certain critters who are incredibly rare and their encounter rate is one of the lowest in the entire game.

It’s likely that while trying to catch these, you will accidentally make them faint before can even throw a Poke Ball at them. Now with the incredibly low encounter rate, you will have to wait for hours until the Pokemon you were trying to catch may spawn again.

Fortunately, you will be able to reduce the wait time to just a couple of minutes by forcing all the Pokemon in the area to respawn. It’s one of the coolest tricks to try out in the games, which is why today’s guide will specifically go over how you will be able to force-respawn in both Scarlet and Violet.

A guide to forcefully respawn Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet

Force-respawning Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet is not something that the games will automatically explain to players how to do. It’s a trick that many realized in the community as it involves using the Picnic mechanic.

Hence, to be able to force-respawn a Pokemon in an area, you will first be required to:

  • Make your way to the area where the Pokemon usually spawns. After encountering it and failing to catch it, you will then need to set up a Picnic in the area to be able to force-respawn all the critters there.
  • The Picnic is one of the core gameplay mechanics in Scarlet and Violet where you get to create sandwiches and eat them. Each of these provides a different power meal that can range from providing your Pokemon with more XP after each encounter or improving the encounter rate of certain types of Pocket Monsters for 30 minutes.
  • Once you have set-up a Picnic, the game will automatically remove all the wild Pokemon that are there in the area and reset the spawn. By doing so, the critters who are supposed to be in the area will appear once again.
  • After spending a few minutes playing with your Pokemon and crafting sandwiches at the picnic, you will then need to pack up and search the area once again. You will then notice that the creature you failed to catch earlier has spawned again.
  • You will be able to keep repeating this process in Scarlet and Violet till you are able to successfully catch the rare Pokemon.

Using the Picnic mechanic to have a forced respawn in Scarlet and Violet works when there is a Mass Outbreak around you. You will be able to use the mechanic to opt into one of the several meal powers to make the most of the situation by catching a Shiny Pokemon. At the same time, you can look for other rare spawns that have incredibly low encounter rates in Paldea.

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