Who is WWE Superstar Ricochet's ex-girlfriend? Love life before Samantha Irvin explored

Ricochet is one of the most well-known names on WWE's roster. The high-flyer has made a name for himself thanks to his talent and character work. Apart from wrestling, Ricochet is often in the news due to his relationships.

The former United States Champion is currently in a relationship with WWE ring announcer Samantha Irvin. However, before meeting Irvin, Ricochet dated Katana Chance.

Ricochet began dating Chance in 2018. In an interview with the Chasing Glory podcast, the former North American Champion revealed how he and the former NXT Women's Tag Team Champion first met:

"We actually came in the exact same class and started the same day. She was always so nice and kind, and helpful to everybody in any way that she could be, and that was something that I had always admired about her."

However, after being in a relationship for over three years, the pair officially split in 2021. The high-flyer later confirmed his relationship with Samantha via a post on social media.

Ricochet was shifted to RAW in the 2023 WWE Draft

Ricochet and Braun Strowman have had a decent run in the tag team division on the SmackDown roster. The duo seem to complement each other well in the ring and have been part of some entertaining matches and segments over the last few months.

However, given the duo's caliber, it wouldn't be wrong to say that their recent work has been far from their best. Hence, the company decided to stir things up by shifting them to the Red brand in the recently concluded WWE Draft. RAW will provide the duo with fresh feuds and interesting storylines.

Meanwhile, Ricochet's ex, Katana Chance, was also drafted to WWE's flagship show in the final rounds of the Draft.

On another note, it would be interesting to see what the company has in store for Ricochet on the Red brand. It wouldn't be surprising if WWE decides to break his partnership with Strowman by turning him heel. Wrestling veteran Disco Inferno shared his thoughts on Ricochet's potential heel turn a while ago.

"I would give him [Ricochet] a shot as a heel, like who would have thought that Dominik would have been as good a heel as he is? Maybe turning him heel can unlock some emotion that we haven't seen yet and he can become more comfortable on the mic, so I would give that a shot. He's not some big drawing babyface. He's a good act that can't really talk, so the people don't get behind him as much as they could." [0:23 – 0:53]

Do you want to see Ricochet turn heel? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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